Okay, you found it! Here's my first blog post :)

Here I’ll keep up with faith reflections, activities and any other developments. For those who know some Spanish, the word 'caminos' means 'paths.' In this light, I hope blogging will be a good way for us to journey together.

I’ll also be in touch about monthly newsletters beginning in September. If you're interested in more details about my experience as YAGM in Mexico, you can subscribe by emailing me at [email protected].

I’m excited to share these experiences with you!

Please respond, ask questions, comment.

S. Radford
6/21/2009 03:19:29 am

Katie! I will be watching this space for news and views from you! Praying for great experiences, safety and life-changing moments for you! Sending our love.

Naomi Nelson
6/21/2009 03:30:35 am

Hi Katie, thanks for letting me know about your blog and website. Very impressive and sophisticated! The recipe sounds delicious - will need to give it a try. I'm also glad for your information about how we can support you in many ways. It was great to see you in May - I'll be traveling to IL in July - perhaps I'll see you then! Phil sends his love also.

6/21/2009 03:30:42 am

Katie, I love the page, you did an amazing job. I look forward to checking the page often to say updated on your adventures. God bless you in everything you do :)

Mario Ortega
6/21/2009 11:00:43 am

hola katie,espero que este bien.tambien me quiero unir a las personas que le quieren mucho para desearle exitos en todo lo que haga.se que ud es perseverante y aunque hayan dificultades las sabra sobrepasar.que Dios le Bendiga.

6/21/2009 12:45:06 pm

Yay! Can't wait for you to start posting. I will miss you like crazy, but know my prayers and love go with you. <3
grace and peace. xoxo

Janine Small-Lalonde
6/22/2009 01:21:09 am

This is very impressive Katie. You are embarking on quite a journey. I will be visiting this page often to see how you are progressing. Best of luck. Mcu love and prayers.


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